Saline and Brackish Water Aquaculture in Desert: Potential of Protein Production and Fish Farming in the Saudi Arabia by Utilizing Desert and underground saline and Brackish Water

Saudi Arabia, known for its vast desert land/ unproductive land offers a unique opportunity for the implementation of brackish water aquaculture. Saudi Arabia, located in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula occupies a fascinating position on the world map it is a very vast landmass of unproductive land (desert area) surrounded by seawater and this desert area has a great potential for fish production which boosts the economy of the country at low cost and support the desert ecosystem due to the availability of Underground Saline and Brackish Water. In addition, the conversion of the Saudi Arabian waste/arid/unproductive land for aquaculture and fish farming ponds, the salty and brackish water Aquaculture Project we are currently undertaking aims at enhancing the quality of life as well as improving livelihoods by providing sustainable and hygienic source of protein through fish farming ponds in desert areas which ultimately enhancing the utilization of desert area as well as a part of UNO Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Saudi Arabia covers approximately 2,149,690 square kilometers, making it the largest country in the Middle East and the 13th largest in the world. This vast region of land has great potential to produce high-quality proteins if used and managed properly for Aquaculture and fish farming.

Brackish water aquaculture has emerged as an innovative solution for utilizing barren/desert land and brackish water resources to generate sustainable income. This innovative approach can gain significant success in Saudi Arabia, where vast desert landscapes and limited freshwater sources establish unique challenges.

Total Mainland of Saudi Arabia: 2,149,690 square kilometers

Desert Area:

Saudi Arabia is mostly covered by deserts, with the Rub’ al Khali, or the Empty Quarter, being the most notable. The desert landscape covers vast stretches of the country, covering approximately 1,800,000 square kilometers. This extensive desert area, with its arid conditions and limited vegetation, offers an ideal canvas for the implementation of brackish water aquaculture initiatives.

Desert Area of Saudi Arabia: 1,725,000 square kilometers (80% of total land area)


Rainfall in Saudi Arabia’s deserts is generally rare, characterized by low annual precipitation. The desert regions receive an average rainfall of less than 100 millimeters per year. However, it is important to note that localized variations in precipitation may occur due to the country’s diverse geographical features and topography.

Rainfall in Desert Areas of Saudi Arabia: Less than 100 millimeters per year

Underground Water Sources:

Saudi Arabia possesses significant underground water resources, including brackish water reservoirs that can be selected for aquaculture purposes. The Kingdom’s extensive reservoirs and underground water reserves provide a reliable source of water for brackish water aquaculture projects. The availability of underground water contributes to the sustainability and long-term viability of aquaculture operations in the desert regions.

Salinity Levels:

The salinity levels of underground water in Saudi Arabia’s desert regions vary depending on the location. In some areas, the water may have moderate to high salinity levels due to the naturally occurring mineral deposits and geological characteristics. However, the brackish nature of the water makes it suitable for certain species of fish and aquatic organisms, creating opportunities for brackish water aquaculture.

Salinity Level of Underground Brackish Water in Saudi Arabia:

  • Eastern Province: 1,000 to 10,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L)
  • Western Province: 500 to 2,000 mg/L

Climate of Saudi Arabia: Hot and dry desert climate

The terrain of Saudi Arabia is mostly desert with some mountains and plateaus.

Brackish water aquaculture can provide several benefits in Saudi Arabia, including:

  • Increased food production: Aquaculture can supplement domestic food production, reducing reliance on imports. Saudi Arabia currently imports a significant amount of its seafood, and brackish water aquaculture can help to close this gap.
  • Diversification of food sources: Aquaculture can provide a diverse range of seafood products, including fish, shrimp, and shellfish. This can help to improve the nutritional status of the population and reduce the risk of food shortages.
  • Job creation: Aquaculture operations require skilled workers, creating employment opportunities in rural areas. This can help to improve the livelihoods of local communities and contribute to economic development.
  • Reduced environmental impact: Aquaculture can be a more environmentally sustainable way to produce food than traditional agriculture. Aquaculture systems can be designed to minimize water use, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Improved water security: Brackish water aquaculture can help to improve water security in Saudi Arabia by utilizing a non-potable water source. This can help to reduce pressure on freshwater resources, which are scarce in Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Arabia, with its extensive desert areas and brackish water resources, can develop a sustainable and profitable aquaculture sector, transforming its deserts into successful economic centers. The utilization of barren lands for aquaculture purposes not only deals with food security challenges but also generates employment opportunities strengthens the agricultural sector and advances economic variation. According to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Saudi Arabia has a total of 1.15 million hectares of desert land that is suitable for brackish water aquaculture. This is equivalent to approximately 2.8 million acres of land. According to a study published in the Journal of Hydrology, the country has an estimated 1.27 million cubic kilometers of groundwater, with a significant portion of it being brackish water.

Calculations for economic purpose

  • “Essential Economic Analytics for Informed Decision-Making/Policy making for future”
  • The desert area of Saudi Arabia in km2 =1,725,000 km2
  • The desert area of Saudi Arabia in Acres = 426.26 millions
  • 1 acre of Desert area can generate minimum income excluding the expenditures is=$2877
  • 426.26 million acres of Desert area can generate income = 1226.4 US Billion Dollars

So, we can generate a reasonable earning by utilizing the unused/waste/spare land/neglected resources of the Saudi Arabian Desert


  1. Central Intelligence Agency. (n.d.). The World Factbook: Saudi Arabia. Retrieved from
  2. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). (n.d.). Saudi Arabia: The Empty Quarter. Retrieved from
  3. Saudi Arabian General Authority for Meteorology and Environmental Protection. (n.d.). Climate of Saudi Arabia. Retrieved from
  4. The Geological Society of America. (n.d.). Rub’ al Khali. Retrieved from
  5. World Wildlife Fund (WWF). (n.d.). Arabian Peninsula coastal fog deserts. Retrieved from
  6. Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (Saudi Arabia):
  7. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO):
  8. World Bank:

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